Google always has some of the coolest stuff when it comes to technology, and everyone wants to get their hands on the newest items. When the come for free it’s just an added bonus. So I’m standing in line at CES (one of the biggest technology conventions here in Vegas, that has attendees and exhibitors come in from all over the world to see what it new) this year for Google to get the free stuff they are giving away. People have been here since 7am! Which is crazy because the convention itself doesn’t start till 9am. I was just thinking, why the heck am I here. Honestly, I’ve seen this Google gumball machine (one of the really cool Google booths) for the last couple years here CES, but I never had time to stop and see what was so cool that the the lines took 2 hours just to get to the front. I’ve always wanted to try but looking at the lines, I was like, nope! But then something changed.
Yesterday me and a friend went on a ride at CES. Google had actually made a coaster ride and let attendees of the convention get on it! It’s a two story building that they built. I thought it was just another ordinary building that I always see at CES, but after seeing my cousin snapchat showing the ride, I was like what the heck!? So of course I had to do it! I mean Google made a freakin roller coaster type ride!!
However, after actually getting on the ride, I was not really impressed, but, it was still interesting, because Google roller coaster! Lol. After the ride we went down the stairs to see our photos. Just like any roller coaster at any amusement park, there were actual photos taken on the ride! So down the stairs we went and we saw the TVs with the pictures that we just took and underneath them there was a scanner to scan your badge (there are qr codes printed on each badge for exhibitors to get information from attendees, sometimes use to note who got their free item to differ people from taking more than they need) to get the photo sent to your email. I of course did it, but sadly my friend didn’t, but that’s another story. There were some free snacks afterward too, but that’s not the best part. After heading back to the car, because it was the end of a very long day, I saw the email notification from Google.
There they are, the photos, Yay… But wait! There’s MORE! Under the photos, it said, “Oh, by the way, enjoy a Google Home Hub a $150 device (a device I just recently bought for my house no less than a month ago) on us!” Then, I see the promo code. I was like wait what!? This can’t be true!! Oh, but it was! I clicked the link and added it to my cart, and boom there it was!! I got a free Google Home Hub at CES!! And all it took was 2 hours waiting in a line.
So, after that experience, I decided to go back the next day and wait (again) like everyone else to get free stuff! (can you blame me? It was some really cool stuff)I loved the epierence (except maybe the 2 hour wait for it) it was fun, so why the heck not, it was definitely worth the wait. Lol. Also, I brought my girlfriend’s badge so I can go back on the ride, alone, and get another Google Home Hub for free ( the promo codes are one per person, and unfortunately she couldn’t make it to CES this year, so I got one for her, like the amazing boyfriend I am). I mean, why not? Haha!
And that my friends, is the story of why I decided to wait like all of these people do, for hours to just get free stuff.
I’m eagerly waiting to see what cool things will await us at next year’s CES, and how long I will have to wait in a line to get the coolest stuff. ‘Till next year!
A1T Productions & Photography